When planning for the future, it’s important to look ahead to later life and consider matters affecting your estate after your death.

Whilst many people are aware of the need for later life planning, few know where to begin when it comes to managing potential liability or do not fully understand the impact.

Yet, although often the most prominent matter following the death of a family member, Inheritance Tax (IHT) should not be your sole concern. When protecting your family, home and legacy, you should also consider Capital Gains Tax, illness and loss of income to ensure you have the right protection plan in place.

At McMillan Wealth Consultants, we can help you assess the right protection for your specific needs and find wealth management solutions to give you the peace of mind that your family, assets and estate will be protected.


Find out more about our solutions for financial protection in later life below.

The levels and bases of taxation and reliefs from taxation can change at any time and are dependent on individual circumstances.

Protection and Later Life Services

Interested in finding out more?

Call 01273 390561 to speak to an adviser