Investment funds

We are a Partner Practice of St. James’s Place who recognise that no single investment firm can hold investment expertise across every area. It’s for that reason that they carefully select a number of external fund managers of outstanding ability to manage their range of funds.

What does that mean for you?

By choosing the highest quality fund managers from the wider global investment market, that gives us the freedom to regularly review the services we provide to you. This provides you with:

  • Access to first-class managers from the global investment market to manage your funds
  • Active fund managers that will place your funds based on their skills and not solely on industry benchmarks
  • Real opportunity to diversify your investments by spreading money across funds managed by multiple experts with different styles
  • Choice of creating your own investment portfolio or investing in a range St. James’s Place have created
  • The relief of responsibility for selecting or changing your fund managers
  • Assurance that we are acting on behalf of your best interests.

Changing fund managers

St. James’s Place take the responsibility of monitoring their individual fund managers to ensure they remain suitable for our clients’ needs and do this with the assistance of independent investment consultants. There are no explicit charges if your fund manager does change, since the responsibility for managing your underlying assets has simply been handed over to a new investment professional.

Importantly, another advantage is that there are no capital gains or Income Tax implications involved for you during any changes, which means that your longer-term wealth strategies are not disturbed by unwanted or unnecessary taxable events.

Please get in touch to find out more about St. James’s Place fund management services.

The value of an investment with St. James’s Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select and the value can therefore go down as well as you may get back less than you invested. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

The St. James’s Place approach to investment management only applies to St. James’s Place products.

Interested in finding out more?

Call 01273 390561 to speak to an adviser

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